
  • BioPerine® is a patented standardized extract obtained from black pepper, containing not less than 95% piperine
  • A clinically proven bioavailability enhancer for nutrients1


  • Bioavailability is “the quantity of a substance, either nutrient, drug, or toxicant, that effectively reaches the target cells where it modifies, for good or bad, their metabolism and consequently their fate”.1

1 Basu, T.K.: The influence of drugs with particular reference to aspirin on bioavailability of Vitamin C; in Counsell, Hornig, Vitamin C, pp.273-281 (Applied Science Publishers, Barking 1981)

Characteristic Features

  • Gram positive, Indole negative, rod shaped bacteria with terminal spores
  • Produces L(+) Lactic Acid only
  • Naturally microencapsulated for stability
  • Proliferates within the GI tract
  • Extremely fastidious organisms
  • Grow optimally at 30°C to 37°C & optimum pH in the range 5.5 to 6.2
  • Microaerophilic
  • The acidic environment created by production of L(+) Lactic Acid & other antimicrobial compounds prevents the growth of disease causing microbes like Clostridia, which are responsible for production of undesirable gases
  • Long & slender cells (0.3 to 0.8 microns)
  • Colonies are usually 2.5 mm in diameter, convex, smooth, glistening and do not produce any pigment

A natural bioavailability enhancer for nutrients
  • Herbal extracts
    • e.g. curcumin, Boswellin®, ashwagandha, Gingko biloba, capsaicin
  • Water-soluble vitamins
    • e.g. vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacinamide, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folic acid, vitamin C
  • Fat-soluble vitamins
    • e.g. vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K
  • Antioxidants
    • e.g. vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, alpha-carotene, transbeta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lycopene, lutein/zeaxanthin, pine bark bioflavanoids complex, germanium, selenium, zinc
  • Amino Acids
    • e.g. lysine, isoleucine, leucine, threonoine, valine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, methionine
  • Minerals
    • e.g calcium, iron, zinc, vanadium, selenium, chromium, iodine, potassium, manganese, copper, magnesium

Possible mechanisms for increased nutrient bioavailability using BioPerine®

  • Non specific mechanisms promoting rapid absorption of nutrients
    • Increases blood supply to the GI tract
  • Water-soluble vitamins
    • Increases emulsifying content of the gut
  • Fat-soluble vitamins
    • Increases active nutrient transport

Average daily consumption of piperine with black pepper vs. daily requirements for BioPerine®

Average daily consumption of piperine with black pepper vs. daily requirements for BioPerine®

*Estimated daily consumption of piperine with black pepper
Data based on doctoral thesis by Shore Scott Kindell, Drexel University, 1984
** Estimated daily consumption of BioPerine®

“Once the window of opportunity for piperine-nutrient interaction has been missed nutrient absorption is not enhanced”

-Nutrition Science News, March 1996

BioPerine® increased the absorption of co-administered beta-carotene in human volunteers

Average daily consumption of piperine with black pepper vs. daily requirements for BioPerine®

*Estimated daily consumption of piperine with black pepper
Data based on doctoral thesis by Shore Scott Kindell, Drexel University, 1984
** Estimated daily consumption of BioPerine®

Effect of BioPerine® on serum selenium levels during a 6 week supplementation trial in human volunteers

Average daily consumption of piperine with black pepper vs. daily requirements for BioPerine®

Efficacy of BioPerine® (5 mg) on the bioavailability of Vitamin B6 absorption in human volunteers

Efficacy of BioPerine® (5 mg) on the bioavailability of Vitamin B6 absorption in human volunteers

Effect of BioPerine® on serum CoQ10 levels during a 21 day supplementation trial

Effect of BioPerine® on serum CoQ10 levels during a 21 day supplementation trial

Effect of BioPerine® on Serum Concentrations of Curcumin in Human Volunteers

Effect of BioPerine® on Serum Concentrations of
Curcumin in Human Volunteers

Multivitamin Bioavailability (+/- Piperine)

  • Piperine supplementation significantly increased the bioavailability of vitamin C and vitamin E from the standard multivitamin formulation
  • The bioavailability of vitamin B6, B12, Betacarotene, or calcium was improved with piperine supplementation


  • Sabinsa Poland Sp. z o.o.
    Ul. Magazynowa 16
    62-030 Lubon

  • +48 61 415 6625
  • +48 61 424 1036


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